Jonathan plays guitar and rides a bicycle, but not at the same time.
Greetings, I’m Jonathan Palevsky, Program Director here at WBJC. I have had the pleasure of working for the station since 1986 when I became a part-time announcer. I have been the station’s Program Director since 1990. I am originally from Montreal and came to Baltimore in 1982 to study classical guitar at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University. I have hosted just about every conceivable time slot at WBJC, but can regularly be heard hosting the WBJC Opera Preview, our music review program Face the Music and the Music In Maryland.
My current off-air obsessions include cycling (mostly to work on the Brompton) skiing, playing guitar and hosting Cinema Sundays at the Charles Theatre.
Jonathan can be reached at
recent posts:
- 12-14-24 Music in Maryland takes a Messiah Break!
Tis the season and tis Messiah season! I love Handel’s Messiah and I love playing the Beecham version of Messiah every year on WBJC! I see no reason why this tradition shouldn’t continue. So sit back and enjoy the fabulous Beecham Messiah recorded in 1959. PLAY DATE: Sat, 12/14/2024 6:00 PM 114 George Frederich Handel […]
- 12-24-24 Face The Music Listings!
This week composer/pianist John Bowen visits us from Chicago and we pay tribute to tuba player the late Ed Goldstein who adds his usual magic as we re-run an oldie but a goodie for the holidays! PLAY DATE: Sat, 12/14/2024 5:00 PM 9398 Johann Sebastian Bach Nun Freut Euch, Liebern Christen, G’MeinDG/Archiv 4835022 SOLO Vikingur […]
- 9-24-24 Robert Moody Is The New Music Director of The Baltimore Chamber Orchestra!
I had the pleasure of speaking with the new Music Director of the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra earlier in the week via Zoom. We are all very excited about the new maestro and the new season! His first concert is on 10/6 at Goucher College…more at