Archive for the ‘WBJC News’ Category
Spring drive – Day 1
Wow! Day One of our Spring Drive went fabulously well! Our day-long goal was $30,000 and the total pledges for the day were $34,132!! We need to keep the momentum going! Today’s goal: $25,000 Haven’t pledged yet? You can do that right here!
4/29/15 We’re back!
WBJC is back to normal operations. Enjoy the music!
The buildings housing the WBJC studios (the Reisterstown Road Plaza offices and shopping center) have been closed for the safety and security of the all of the people who work in the area. WBJC staffers are safe and sound, and rather than hunker down (as we’re known to do during blizzards) GM Joe Hutchins has […]
3/1/15 Connectivity issues
Everything is down at the studios, so updates to the website/playlists are happening from my phone today folks. Sorry for the delay!
What a month! Drive recap
Wow what a crazy month this has been! Between snowstorms, we managed to have a complete fund drive (applause!) Last winter, we got snowed out, so we had to hold a do-over drive. We are happy to report that not onnly did we meet our total drive goal this time around, we exceeded it! […]
The next Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, 2015, at the Business and Continuing Education Division, 710 E. Lombard Street. The Finance Committee meeting will begin at 3 p.m. followed by the Open Session meeting at 4 p.m. The Board will convene in Closed Session at 6 p.m. Please note that […]
Bowie Student connects with musical philanthropist thorough radio
Back in December, many of you received and responded to a letter from us about Daniel, a local middle-schooler who is advocating for his school’s music program and is a fan of WBJC. Daniel was recently interviewed by! Bowie student connects with musical philanthropist through radio Teen secures orchestra instrument donation for his school […]
WBJC offices closed for holidays
Just a quick note to say that the WBJC business offices are closed until after the New Year. If you need the membership or underwriting departments, please use the Contact Us form here on the website and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. If you have an urgent need (like you’ve accidentally […]
Join WBJC in Italy!
WBJC’s Jonathan Palevsky is going to Italy this Spring! Click here for all the details, download or print the brochure, or you can fill in the form at the bottom of the page to request a printed brochure be mailed to you.
Extended absence – Judith Krummeck
A number of listeners have been kind enough inquire about my extended absence, and I think an explanation is overdue! In late September, I suffered a torn and detached retina in my left eye, and had to have emergency surgery, which required an extended period of recuperation. In November, I took a long-planned vacation back home […]