Archive for the ‘Membership’ Category
Fall 2013 Drive Recap
THANK YOU to the 1,183 of you who rang in or online and supported classical music on WBJC this past 4-day drive. And 371 of you were NEW! You now join the ranks of proud, supporting members who all do their part to keep classical music alive and well on the air in Maryland […]
The help we get during fund drive time!
Yes, WBJC needs to do fund drives to raise the money needed to keep playing classical music and opera each day of the year. Our members and underwriters ensure we remain viable and healthy enough to keep the wolves from the door. But, there are many others who help us fulfill our mission. Volunteers come […]
Breakfast, Day Two of the Fund Drive
Thanks to Cafe Hon for breakfast for our volunteers: egg, bacon sandwiches; yummy home fries and fruit parfait! Become a volunteer (eat well) and help a great cultural institution in Baltimore! Call 410-580-5800.
September Newsletter is here!
Read all about it! The WBJC September Newsletter is here for your reading enjoyment. Click here or visit the Newsletter Archive for back issues. Are you not subscribed? You can do that right here! Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name WBJC Volunteers Subscribe Email Format […]
August Newsletter is here!
Click here for the August WBJC Newsletter, or scan the QR code below to view on your mobile device! For those of you who are newly subscribed, the WBJC newsletter comes out monthly, half-way through the month. December will have 2 issues, one special edition at the beginning of the month with the Holiday Program Schedule […]
Please take our survey!
Okay, after much trauma, I think the survey is working correctly. Please take a moment to answer these questions three! Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
June Newsletter and Mark’s Article!
If you’d like to read Mark’s latest article, you’ll have to read the June Newsletter! Missed an issue? Take a gander at the Newsletter Archive
Spring Drive recap!
Thank you, thank you, thank YOU! To all 946 of you who pledged your support for classical music, opera and vocal programming, both on the phones and online… we are so grateful to you! I know it sounded dire at points, (there were points where it felt dire on our end too!) but this drive […]
April Newsletter
Check it out! April News from Classical WBJC 91.5FM – Scan this barcode with your smartphone and it will take you to the mobile version of the newsletter