Judith Krummeck
Nurturing empathy and kindness in children
At a time when the country is divided, and there is a tendency to regard people who are different from ourselves with fear or suspicion, educator, Carol Franks-Randall, has published a children’s book called Talking Buddies that aims to get at these issues.
Booknotes encounters the 16th century polymath, Galileo Galilei
In 1632, Galileo Galilei was tried by the Inquisition and found to be “vehemently suspect of heresy” for maintaining that the earth revolved around the sun. Now, Dr. Mario Livio, astrophysicist and best selling author of seven books, has just published Galileo: And the Science Deniers.
Creative thinking in the time of Covid-19
Our redoubtable Diana Ross, whose myriad responsibilities at WBJC include Web Administrator, sent us an email to say, “If you know of a local arts org that has transitioned to some kind of online capacity or is holding some kind of event that needs some love, PLEASE feel free to plug them on the WBJC […]
The intersection of visual art and literary art on Booknotes
An artist book of original images, poems, and essays, with the evocative title, Flying with Remnant Wings, has been published by Goya Contemporary in conjunction with two exhibitions featuring the work of Jo Smail. Smiles are spreading Behind my ears Below my chin I am light headed A cloud of laughter sits on my […]
Programming music in a time of crisis
“The music you offer us has always mattered, but right now it’s even more important.” This wonderful comment from Linda Cades is one of the many we have been receiving from WBJC listeners during the COVID-19 response. Linda was reacting, in part, to the interview I’d done with Dr. Leana Wen about the coronavirus pandemic, […]
COVID-19 insight from an expert
My first ever Zoom interview! During this time of coronavirus uncertainly, it was a privilege to be able to call upon emergency physician, former Health Commissioner for the City of Baltimore, and current public health professor at George Washington University, Dr. Leana Wen.
Taking care of precious books on Booknotes
When I inherited this collection of Dickens novels from my mother, many of them were in sad disrepair–until I took them to be thoughtfully, carefully, and authentically repaired by Jennifer Jarvis, Book & Paper Conservator at Johns Hopkins University’s Sheridan Libraries. This month on Booknotes we revisit the theme of preserving these precious objects.
Reading in the time of COVID-19
At 7:30pm today, I was to have been giving a reading from Old New Worlds at Buunni Coffee on 4961 Broadway in New York, as part of their Multiverse Reading Series. In these times of Staying in Place, I am offering a remote reading instead. Please enjoy! https://judithkrummeck.com/2020/04/02/reading-in-the-time-of-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR2NiW7I6b31nzEFkWjNjW3uXGanDNjnNGhS_PPJUdsLCToO6lu8bZissUU