Connectivity issues at studios
Please bear with us, we have no Internet at the station so the website updates may not be very timely. Streaming should be unaffected. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Please bear with us, we have no Internet at the station so the website updates may not be very timely. Streaming should be unaffected. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
The WBJC November newsletter is now in the Archive, or you can click here!
Thank you each and every one of you who pledged your support during our Fall Pledge Drive! Now that the dust has settled a bit, we can report some numbers: Fall Drive Goal: $126,500 Fall Drive made: $115,346 with a total of 962 pledges New members: 258 Online pledges: $5,760 (70 pledges) While we didn’t make the total Drive […]
WBJC was contacted by the company that provides our online streaming: “StreamGuys has been receiving numerous reports of streaming issues regarding Apple iOS devices. It has been confirmed that Apple devices running iOS 8.0.0, up to 8.0.2, are experiencing wi-fi connection issues. Whether using Safari, Chrome or even a dedicated app, streams are disconnecting. For more information […]
9/13/14: Yvonne and I have spoken or corresponded with many of you, but I wanted to put something here on the website just in case you hadn’t been in touch… SPRING PREMIUMS are still on back-order with Naxos. Yesterday we got notice that Naxos is now able to fulfill our order (yay! They made more discs!), so […]
The August newsletter has landed! see it here: August News from Classical WBJC 91.5FM –
WBJC hosts will be at the 34th annual Baltimore Summer Antiques Show! Stop by the WBJC Booth and say hello, chat with your favorite host, and enter a contest while you’re there! Thursday 8/21: Mark Malinowski – noon to 3pm Dyana Neal – 3pm to 6pm Kati Harrison – 6pm to 8pm Friday 8/22: Judith Krummeck – […]
The WBJC website is moving from one server to another. Hopefully you won’t notice any difference! But if you do, please feel free to drop me a line at and let me know what the issue is. Chances are you may just need to refresh your browser, or update your bookmarks. Streaming is unaffected […]
The July e-Newsletter is here for your reading pleasure!