Mozart in Wool
For those of you who’ve come in to volunteer during a fundraiser, it’s probably no big secret that I’m a Fiber Addict. That is to say: I love yarn and yarn related activities. I usually have my knitting with me back in Volunteer Central, but I also spin yarn on a spinning wheel, weave cloth on a loom and dabble in various other yarn-related crafts like fiber prep and dyeing. Mysteriously, crochet got left out of my repertoire (despite Kati’s best efforts to teach me!)
Recently, I picked up an archived copy of The Wheel, Ashford’s club magazine for fiber enthusiasts (my spinning wheel is an Ashford Traveller). To my delight, I found an article from 2006 that celebrated the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth with… you guessed it: WOOL!
I promptly wrote to Elizabeth Ashford asking permission to share the article with our audience and she was glad to allow me to do so! Turns out she’s a classical music fan herself.
These are all so clever! I think my favorite is the needle-felted Mozart doll. He seems so cuddly! I wonder if Beethoven would seem less scowly rendered in felt?
I know we have several members who paint to the music, so I’m wondering how many of us crafty classical music lovers are there out there? What inspires you?
Tags:crafts, knitting, Mozart