Toccata listings 5/21/17
Two major romantic works on tonight’s program. The Grand (and truly grand it is) Sonata by Tchaikovsky and the first of Josef Rheinberger’s organ concertos. Thanks for listening, and thanks for your support in our recently completed Spring Fundraiser! Enjoy!
6:00 PM 8424
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Grand Sonata in G Op 37 ASV 6153
SOLO Alma Petchersky, piano
33:16 C 1 1-4
6:35 PM 7627
Josef Rheinberger Organ Concerto No. 1 in F Op 137 Telarc 80136
COND Jahja Ling Yock yah LEENG
ORCH Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
SOLO Michael Murray, organ Micheal MIHR ee
22:53 C 1 5-7