4-30-16 Music in Maryland Riversdale Chamber Music Society
This week Music in Maryland is pleased to once again feature clarinetist Robert DiLutis along with cellist Erik Kutz and flutist Ceylon Mitchell.
Here is a link to tonight’s program.
To fill we used clarinettist Robert DiLutis and pianist Yin Zheng performing the Joseph Horovitz Sonatina For Clarinet And Piano. This was followed by Clarinettist David Drosinos and the Rick Sowash Clarinet Concerto. (See Listing below.) Finally we aired a performance of the Prokofiev Overture on Hebrew Themes with clarinettist Robert DiLutis and pianist Yin Zheng, violinists Juliana Athayde and Liana Koteva, violist Marc Anderson and cellist Kathleen Murphy Kemp.
PLAY DATE: Sat, 04/30/2016
7:18 PM 48814
Rick Sowash Clarinet Concerto Marquis 14232
COND Vladimir Lande
ORCH Saint Petersburg Symphony Orch
SOLO David Drosinos, clarinet
30:19 C 1 1-3
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