2-2-14 Toccata listings
This week on “Toccata,” a setting of “A Mighty Fortress” and a sonata that features a song in the second movment–something unique in piano literature. Here are the listings:
PLAY DATE: Sun, 02/02/2014
6:00 PM 47642
Franz Tunder Ein Feste Burg ist unser Gott CPO 777370
SOLO Friedhelm Flamme
12:19 C 1 6-6
6:16 PM 37533
Carl Loewe Grand Sonata for Piano in E Op 16 CPO 999355
SOLO Cord Garben, piano
SOLO Heidi Wolf, soprano
SOLO Dietrich Henschel, baritone
25:53 C 1 1-4
6:41 PM 47423
Ferdinand Ries Grand Variations on “Rule Britannia” OpNaxos 570440
COND Uwe Grodd
ORCH Royal Liverpool Philharmonic
SOLO Christopher Hinterhuber, piano
15:58 C 1 4-4