Vocalise 1-11-25
8:00 PM 25662
Stan Jones Ghost Riders in the Sky Telarc 80191
COND Erich Kunzel Erik KUN zl
ORCH Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
SOLO Sherrill Milnes, baritone SHEHR ihl MILHNZ
3:50 C 1 3-3
8:05 PM 3057
Aaron Copland Old American Songs Telarc 80117
COND Erich Kunzel Erik KUN zl
ORCH Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
SOLO Sherrill Milnes, baritone SHEHR ihl MILHNZ
11:27 C 1 4-4
8:18 PM 1233
Gabriel Faure Requiem Op 48 London 421440
COND Charles Dutoit SHARL Doo TWAH (the name is silent)
ORCH Montreal Symphony Orchestra
SOLO and Chorus
SOLO Dame Kiri Te Kanawa,soprano KEER ee Tay KAH nuh wuh
SOLO Sherrill Milnes, baritone SHEHR ihl MILHNZ
37:46 C 1 1-7