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Feb. 26 2025

The cure for what ails you at Best Medicine Rep

By Gavin Witt | Posted in Interviews, Staff Blogs, WBJC Programs | Comments Off on The cure for what ails you at Best Medicine Rep

Best Medicine Rep proposes the promising notion that Comedy helps levels life’s sometimes bumpy, uneven playing field–and that “the comic theater is the cure for what ails us.” It’s hard to argue with the claim that “theater brings a community together, eliciting pride and engagement, a sense of ownership and cooperation” as well as fostering empathy, collaboration, understanding, and (sometimes) joy.

Unfortunately, or maybe happily for audiences looking for a good guffaw, these positive aspects prove in short supply in the theatrical workplace showcased in John Morogiello’s backstage comedy BLAME IT ON BECKETT, playing at The Writer’s Center in Bethesda March 14th-30th in a production directed by Kathleen Barth.

The play peeks way, way behind the scenes into parts of theater’s sausage-making-process known to and witnessed by few: the literary offices of a small company, which finds itself in much the same disarray over practices, promises, passions, and potential that can dominate any industry or workplace. Ambitions get unleashed, aspirations get aired and in the way, ancient grudges burst asunder anew, and there’s a great deal of topsy-turvy turmoil on display along the way.

You can hear reflections on this comedic chaos and its resonance from the playwright–who is also, in a case of Life-Imitating-Art, the Artistic Director of Best Medicine as well as a performer in the production–in his conversation with me here:

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And you can get even more information about the play, production, and company, as well as tickets for performances, here at Best Medicine Rep’s website.

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WBJC listeners and Baltimore audiences may know Gavin from his nearly 20 years as dramaturg and associate artistic director at Baltimore Center Stage (in which capacity he was a frequent guest on WBJC to talk about programs and events), or from regular appearances alongside Jonathan Palevsky at the Charles Theater for Cinema Sundays discussions. A director, dramaturg, producer, translator, and adaptor who also teaches on the theater faculty at Towson University, Gavin is a recent addition to the WBJC team and delighted to play this new role.

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