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Sep. 06 2024

Toccata listings for 9/8/24

By Mark Malinowski | Posted in Host Blogs, Toccata | Comments Off on Toccata listings for 9/8/24

On tonight’s program, Bach on a Pedal Harpsichord, Humoresques by Dohnanyi, and the ominous “Totentanz” by Liszt in a live performance. Thanks for listening, and enjoy!

6:01 PM 519
Johann Sebastian Bach Prelude and Fugue in D BWV 532 The Great Augustana 1
SOLO Tom Robin Harris
9:27 C 1 4-5
6:13 PM 15870
Ernst von Dohnanyi Humoresques Op 17 0 0 KochSchwan 1219
SOLO Jeno Jando, piano
26:46 C 1 6-10
6:43 PM 3215
Franz Liszt Totentanz for Piano and Orchestra S 1Melo 1078
COND Andre Cluytens
ORCH Orchestre National de O.R.T.F.
SOLO Alexander Brailowsky, piano
15:26 C 2 7-7


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Mark is WBJC's morning host. His full bio can be read here.

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