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May. 24 2024

Toccata listings for 5/26/24

By Mark Malinowski | Posted in Host Blogs, Toccata | Comments Off on Toccata listings for 5/26/24

First of all, thanks so much for your support during our recently completed, and very successful Spring fundraiser. Your financial support will keep classical music alive in the Baltimore/Washington region for years to come, and your kind words inspire us to make this station even better.  Thank you so much!  Now on tonight’s program, a little “Heavy Organ” from Virgil Fox, dance music for the piano by a local composer, and a major work for piano and orchestra by “The English Liszt.”  Thanks for listening, and again, thanks for your support, and enjoy!


6:01 PM 9399
Johann Sebastian Bach Fugue “The Jig” in G BWV 577 RCA/BMG 68816
SOLO Virgil Fox,organ
3:39 C 1 15-16
6:06 PM 48562
Karen Amrhein Dance Card HappyLemon 2
SOLO Lura Johnson, Piano
20:15 C 1 1-7
6:29 PM 10976
Henry Litolff Concerto Symphonique No. 3 in E-Flat Op 45 Hyperion 67210
COND Andrew Litton
ORCH Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
SOLO Peter Donohoe, piano
30:47 C 1 1-4

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Mark is WBJC's morning host. His full bio can be read here.

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