Fells Point Corner Theatre ventures into the unknown with ON THE VERGE
For the next several weeks, Baltimore audiences can join a courageous, curious trio of Victorian explorers on an adventure across both space and time into Terra Incognita in a production of Eric Overmyer’s 1986 comedic romp, On the Verge.
The production runs from November 8th through December 1st, promising to take audiences on a whirlwind of travel through impenetrable jungles, up sheer ice cliffs, across windblown glaciers, over vertiginous gorges on the most precarious, perilous vine bridges–and into an unexpected new world of The Future.
While encountering the varied denizens of this mysterious new land, the play’s three intrepid women travelers (who set off from 1888 only to find themselves somehow navigating a version of 1955) also tangle with unfamiliar items and tackle a whole new vocabulary. All while ultimately discovering themselves, and each other. And the delights of that magical delicacy, Cool Whip.
What does the play’s director have to say about the play and the production? Hear for yourself:
Then find tickets, times, information, and more online at https://www.fpct.org/ontheverge