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Jan. 27 2023

1-28-23 Music in Maryland…Some nice pieces for the New Year!

By Jonathan Palevsky | Posted in Host Blogs, Music In Maryland | Comments Off on 1-28-23 Music in Maryland…Some nice pieces for the New Year!

Just a few of my favorite BSO recordings, a bit of Leon Fleisher, some Manuel Barrueco and we also feature the National Symphony with Rostropovich and Anne Sophie Mutter!  Nice stuff!

6:00 PM 3061
Zoltan Kodaly Hary Janos: Suite Op 35 Vox/MMG 9006
COND Sergiu Comissiona SAIR joo KOH miss ee oh nuh
ORCH Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
25:10 C 1 1-6
6:26 PM 26028
Silvius Leopold Weiss Lute Suite in d Tonar 21015
SOLO Manuel Barrueco, guitar
13:57 C 1 12-17
6:41 PM 63
Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Op 58 CBS/Sony 459972
COND George Szell George Cell
ORCH Cleveland Orchestra
SOLO Leon Fleisher, piano LEE-on FLY-sher
32:25 C 13 4-6
7:15 PM 2003
Sergei Prokofiev Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Op 19 Erato 75506
COND Mstislav Rostropovich MIHS tih Slahv Rahst roh POH vihch
ORCH National Sym Orch/Wash.,D.C.
SOLO Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin AHN uh ZOH fee MUT ihr
21:22 C 1 2-4
7:38 PM 1501
Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov Caucasian Sketches: Suite No. 1 Op 10 Telarc 80378
COND David Zinman David ZIHN mihn
ORCH Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
20:16 C 1 2-5

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Jonathan is WBJC's Program Director and host of many WBJC programs. His full bio can be read here.

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