Today’s Elville Thought of the Day
Remember all that tangible personal property you keep thinking about (furniture, jewelry, silver, clothing, collections, automobiles, boats, and all other furnishings and personal belongings)? This is an excellent time to continue the thought process about the disposition of this property to your loved ones, and to be proactive, where appropriate, in conversations with family members to determine who is most interested in the items you consider most important. Experience suggests that the more you do to facilitate the smooth distribution of your tangible personal property, the fewer problems your estate is likely to experience. #ElvilleEducation
Stephen R. Elville, JD, LL.M
Elville & Associates, P.C. Planning for Life, Planning for Legacies
443-393-7696 (Main Number) 443-393-7697 (Facsimile) 443-741-3446 (Baltimore calling area) 301-272-8874 (Montgomery Co/DC/Northern Va. calling area) Steve Elville, of Elville and Assocaites, posts a THOUGHT OF THE DAY, daily on his website. Check it out at