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Feb. 19 2018

Winter drive wrap-up!

By Diana Ross | Posted in Membership | Comments Off on Winter drive wrap-up!

Thank you one and all for making WBJC’s Winter Pledge Drive a success!! As the dust settles, the Membership Department is printing bills, folding and stuffing acknowledgements and prepping premiums gifts to head out. If you need to get in touch about your pledge, please call us 410-580-5800 or email us at

For the number-crunchers out there:

Total 718 pledges totaling $90,390.00! (or drive goal was $100,000)

On-Air – 541 –  $71,970.00
Web – 177 – $18,420.00

New members: 178

And this was not including the successful Buyback campaign that chopped Saturday off the pledge drive.

Good show everyone!


Thank you to our volunteers!

Alida Verwey Ed Vojik Margaret Carroll
Andrea Tabbat Ed Zehler Mary Morgan
Andy Goldfinger Elizabeth Brown Michele Mengel
Bert Katz Ethel Zelenske Mike Masonis
Beth Horton Gail Blackwell Morris Millman
Bob Byrnes Grace Planalp Nick Levett
Carol Oppenheim Helaine Zonderman Patricia Martin
Caroline Abbas Hilton Silver Paula Murphy
Christina Bitting Jeffrey Schmaltz Peter Galitzin
Dave Vaeth John Polk Richard Getsigner
Debbie Danz Judy Schneider Ron Eckels
Debbie Maeder Julian Levy Ron Hokemeyer
Deborah Richards Leslie Margolis Roy Birk
Dick Cassidy Leslie Norton Bethell Roy Danz
Donna Will Lori Ramser Ruth Sadler
Shanna Hayward
Wilmina Sydnor


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Diana Ross is not the famous Supremes singer, but she does have big hair. Working in both Membership and Operations departments, she does a little bit of everything, including administering this website. You can contact her at

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