Toccata Listings 11/26/17
On Sunday’s “Toccata,” a set of preludes by Eric Satie, a monumental organ work by Sir Hubert Parry, and a Concertante work by Liszt that occupied his mind for 35 years! Thanks for listening, and enjoy!
6:00 PM 14335
Erik Satie Le Fils des Etoiles (1892) Forlane 16592
SOLO France Clidat, piano Frahns Klee DAHT
12:00 C 1 18-20
6:15 PM 45355
Sir Hubert Parry Toccata and Fugue “The Wanderer” Pro Organo 7059
SOLO Robert Benjamin Dobey, organ
16:17 C 1 3-3
6:33 PM 38890
Franz Liszt Concerto pathetique in e S 365a (basedHyperion 67404
COND Karl Anton Rickenbacher
ORCH Budapest Symphony Orchestra
SOLO Leslie Howard, piano
25:22 C 2 1-6