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May. 03 2017

Duplicate mailings

By Diana Ross | Posted in Membership, WBJC News | Comments Off on Duplicate mailings

It’s come to our attention that we made an error when we sent out the recent pre-drive mailing to our members. We inadvertently used our list of individual members rather than collective households, which resulted in many people getting multiple mailings.

Here at WBJC we pride ourselves on being frugal with your donations. This mistake was just that… an error on our part and is NOT a change in the way we approach our members for donations. Yvonne and I are still learning the ins and outs of our new membership program and this was definitely one lesson learned the hard way!

Please know that we will work our hardest to avoid anything like this in the future.

Thank you so much for your understanding and your patience with us!


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Diana Ross is not the famous Supremes singer, but she does have big hair. Working in both Membership and Operations departments, she does a little bit of everything, including administering this website. You can contact her at

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