Choral Hour 1-15-17
Today at 4:30 PM the Choir of St. David’s with music director, Douglas Buchanan will offer their annual Evensong celebrating the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Last year for the MLK celebration they performed excerpts from Judah Adashi’s “Rise,” a civil rights cantata with poetry by Tameka Cage Conley. Listen for that and other music on the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
8:00 AM
Sir Michael Tippett A Child of Our Time (5 Negro Spirituals) Nimbus 5266
COND Stephen Darlington
SOLO Christ Church Cathedral Choir
8:11 AM
Morten Lauridsen Lux aeterna Hyperion 67449
COND Stephen Layton
ORCH Britten Sinfonia
SOLO Polyphony
8:39 AM
Traditional Bound For The Promised Land MdStateBoy 2420
ORCH Maryland State Boychoir
8:40 AM
Traditional Black Spiritual My Lord, What a Mornin’ MdStateBoy 2420
COND Stephen Holmes
ORCH Maryland State Boychoir
8:46 AM
John Rutter Distant Land (dedicated to Nelson MandelMTC 302
COND Craig Jessop
ORCH Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Judah Adashi “Rise” Movement V (Remains)
The Choir of St. David’s Episcopal Church
COND & Pianist Douglas Buchanan
Solo Tariq Al-Sabir, tenor
Solo Christopher Shiley, flugelhor