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Aug. 06 2016

Booknotes marks Shakespeare 400

By Judith Krummeck | Posted in Booknotes, Host Blogs | Comments Off on Booknotes marks Shakespeare 400


BSF Artistic Director Tom Delise is very happy to touch a First Folio for the first time at Evergreen Museum & Library.

BSF Artistic Director Tom Delise is very happy to touch a First Folio for the first time at Evergreen Museum and Library.





As we continue to honor Shakespeare on the 400th anniversary of his death, Booknotes caught up with the Baltimore Shakespeare Factory, whose mission it is to re-create, as closely as possible, the staging conditions of Shakespeare’s time. Here is the Founder and Artistic Director of BSF, Tom Delise.





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Judith is WBJC's afternoon host. Her full bio can be read here.

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