WBJC Choral Hour 4-19-15
8:00 AM
Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata: Jesu, der du meine Seele BWV 7Harm Mundi 2951270
COND Philippe Herreweghe
ORCH Orch de la Chapelle Royale
SOLO and Chorus
SOLO Ingrid Schmithusen, soprano
SOLO Charles Brett, counter-tenor
SOLO Howard Crook, tenor
SOLO Peter Kooy, bass
8:24 AM
Claude Debussy Printemps Arabesque 6734
COND Emil DeCou
ORCH San Francisco Ballet Orchestra
SOLO and Chorus
SOLO Lisa Vroman, soprano
SOLO Micheline Steacy, soprano
SOLO Sonja Wohlgemuth, soprano
SOLO reconstructed original version
8:44 AM 25606
John Rutter Fancies Collegium 117
COND John Rutter
SOLO Cambridge Singers Cambridge Singers