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Sep. 12 2015

9-12-15 Music In Maryland A Tribute To The Baltimore Symphony Gala!

By Jonathan Palevsky | Posted in Host Blogs, Music In Maryland | Comments Off on 9-12-15 Music In Maryland A Tribute To The Baltimore Symphony Gala!

This week we pay tribute to the Baltimore Symphony by playing recordings of some of the great artists who are playing with them tonight at the Meyerhoff.  We pay tribute to both Lang Lang and Christopher Seaman who are in Baltimore tonight and we hear two recordings featuring Marin Alsop who is the BSO’s Music Director but is in London at the Proms!  Here are the listings…Hope you enjoyed the show.


PLAY DATE: Sat, 09/12/2015
6:00 PM            26798
Oscar Levant                  Caprice for Orchestra                   Angel/EMI  54851
COND Marin Alsop
ORCH Concordia
8:14    C  1 8-8
6:09 PM            169
Sergei Rachmaninoff           Piano Concerto No.  3 in d Op 30        Telarc     80582
COND Yuri Temirkanov               Yuri  Teh MEER kuh nawf
ORCH Saint Petersburg Philharmonic
SOLO Lang Lang, piano
43:41    C  1 1-3
6:54 PM            3501
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky      Francesca da Rimini in e Op 32 SymphonicHarm Mundi 907323
COND Christopher Seaman
ORCH Rochester Philharmonic
24:47    C  1 4-4
7:21 PM            177
Camille Saint-Saens           Symphony No.  3 in c Op 78 “Organ”      BBC        90
COND Marin Alsop
ORCH BBC Philharmonic Orchestra
SOLO David Goode, organ
36:23    C  1 4-7

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Jonathan is WBJC's Program Director and host of many WBJC programs. His full bio can be read here.

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