3-28-15 Music In Maryland BSO + The Amazing Bednarska!
This week we celebrate the Baltimore Symphony’s upcoming centennial with performances by three of their most significant music directors. I also had the pleasure of talking with and listening to an amazing percussionist, Marianna Bednarska, who blew through town and left me an amazing recording! Here are the listings…hope you enjoyed the show!
PLAY DATE: Sat, 03/28/2015
6:00 PM 3061
Zoltan Kodaly Hary Janos: Suite Op 35 Vox/MMG 9006
COND Sergiu Comissiona SAIR joo KOH miss ee oh nuh
ORCH Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
25:10 C 1 1-6
6:26 PM 230
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5 in e Op 64 BSOrch 99
COND David Zinman David ZIHN mihn
ORCH Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
42:56 C 2 5-8
7:10 PM 3047
Bela Bartok Music for Strings,Percussion and CelestaNaxos 572486
COND Marin Alsop
ORCH Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
29:29 C 1 6-9
7:40 PM 49661
Anders Koppel Marimba Concerto No. 2 (2000) DaCapo 220595
COND Henrik Vagn Christensen
ORCH Aalborg Symphony
SOLO Marianna Bednarska, marimba
16:31 C 1 4-6