Winter Drive Volunteers
WBJC volunteers are asked NOT to travel during inclement weather. We know you’re all troopers, but we can’t have you risking yourselves over a pledge drive! The plan for today (Thursday 2/13) is: The station goes back to normal broadcast operations. The hosts are in Emergency Mode and all their energy is focused on keeping the station running (as is Engineer Bob’s!) We’re to leave them to it, and hopefully listeners will go to the website and pledge.
Friday is still undecided (much like this storm!) If the storm has stopped and the roads are cleared, we’ll be trying to fund-raise. If you’re scheduled for Friday, please tune in to the station to hear if there’s fundraising going on! For the morning shift, contact the station before you decide to head in at 410-580-5800. Depending on the storm situation, we might do a late start.
Again, our main concern is being SAFE. we can make up the fundraiser in other ways.
Thanks and stay warm!
Diana Ross,
Membership & Operations Assistant
WBJC Web Admin
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