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Aug. 14 2013

August Newsletter is here!

By Diana Ross | Posted in Membership, WBJC News | Comments Off on August Newsletter is here!

Click here for the August WBJC Newsletter, or scan the QR code below to view on your mobile device!

DzFInFor those of you who are newly subscribed, the WBJC newsletter comes out monthly, half-way through the month. December will have 2 issues, one special edition at the beginning of the month with the Holiday Program Schedule and the standard issue towards the end of December.

On rare occasion, you’ll get an extra email for a survey or request for volunteers, but we really don’t do that too often.  Those types of things we like to put inside the newsletter to keep your mailbox as uncluttered as possible!

Thanks! If you need to change your subscription preferences, or add yourself to the Volunteer Mailing list,  look for the link at the bottom of the newsletter, or you can email me direct dross@bccc.edu.

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Diana Ross is not the famous Supremes singer, but she does have big hair. Working in both Membership and Operations departments, she does a little bit of everything, including administering this website. You can contact her at dross@bccc.edu.

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