New Transmitter Building Project
WBJC is in the process of installing a new precast building to house two new transmitters and ancillary equipment for analog and HD transmission. Here you see the preliminary work on the slab foundation for the new building.
Here’s the completed foundation. The building to the right houses WBJC’s exisiting transmitters. The 34 year old structure will be demolished once the new building is complete and the new equipment is installed. The old transmitters will be traded in and find a happy home far away.
The new transmitter building requires an additional transformer and feed from the power company. These are the conduits that will house cables that connect the power company feed, transformer, meter and disconnect panel, to the new building.
This is the new power company “H frame” that was installed in order to accommodate the new building. The H frame holds the new electric meter and the main power disconnect for the new building.
The new power company transformer will be mounted here.
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