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Jul. 19 2012

New Booth

By Diana Ross | Posted in Staff Blogs, WBJC News | 3 Comments

Jim Ward walked into the station today with a mysterious rolling container.  We gathered in the conference room (a.k.a. Pledge Central) and he began assembling the backdrop for our new booth!

It was a team effort, but we managed to get it set up right!


How gorgeous is that violin? Jim picked a great design.


We’ll set this up whenever staffers and hosts are making appearances at events. So when you see the booth, you’ll know there’s some great people nearby and probably a window sticker to be had. 😉


UPDATE:  The WBJC Host appearance schedule for the Baltimore summer antiques show is:


Thursday 8/23:
Jonathan Palevsky 12p-2p
Kati Harrison 4p-6p

Friday 8/24:
Mark Malinowski 11a-1p
Kati Harrison 3p-5p
Dyana Neal 5p-7p

Saturday 8/25:
Jonathan Palevsky 11a-1p
Mark Malinowski 1p-3p
Dyana Neal 5p-7p

Sunday 8/26:
Jonathan Palevsky 11a-1p
Dyana Neal 1p-3p


full details here:

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Diana Ross is not the famous Supremes singer, but she does have big hair. Working in both Membership and Operations departments, she does a little bit of everything, including administering this website. You can contact her at

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