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Dec. 19 2011


By Mark Malinowski | Posted in Host Blogs | 4 Comments

It’s the best and worst time of the year. I love the Christmas season, largely for what it used to be–a time where people seemed to go everywhere with a smile. People seemed friendlier during this time of year. “Filled with good cheer,” I suppose you could say. People were busy then, shopping, cooking, entertaining, decorating, all the same stuff we do now. It seems different now, though. Part of it is certainly because I see things through the eyes of an old (well, mature might be a better term) guy as opposed to a young man or child. but something else is different. Everyone is walking around with cellphones held up to their ears, or wearing “blue tooth” devices and giving the appearance of talking to themselves, or wearing earbuds connected to some mp3 device listening to probably anything BUT holiday music. People seem oblivious to their surroundings, and appear to do anything possible to isolate themselves from it. Maybe it’s just me. I don’t think of myself as a Luddite–I like hi-tech as much as then next guy, but a little human interaction during this holiday season couldn’t hurt, could it?

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Mark is WBJC's morning host. His full bio can be read here.

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