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Jun. 28 2024

Toccata listings for 6/30/24

By Mark Malinowski | Posted in Host Blogs, Toccata | Comments Off on Toccata listings for 6/30/24

On tonight’s program, music by two great organists of the late 19th century.  First, an organ sonata by Guilmant, and then a piano concerto by the 13 year old Cesar Franck.  Thanks for listening, and enjoy!


6:01 PM 16709
Alexandre Guilmant Sonata No. 6 in b Op 86 MD+G 3341
SOLO Ben van Oosten, organ
22:01 C 1 10-12
6:26 PM 20554
Cesar Franck Piano Concerto No. 2 in b Op 11 Naxos 8553472
COND Roberto Benzi
ORCH Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra
SOLO Martijn van den Hoek, piano
31:59 C 1 3-5

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Mark is WBJC's morning host. His full bio can be read here.

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