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Jun. 29 2024

6-29-24 Face The Music Listings!

By Jonathan Palevsky | Posted in Face the Music, Host Blogs | Comments Off on 6-29-24 Face The Music Listings!

This week our panelists were FTM Panelist Emeritus Dave Donovan, musicologist and author John Gingerich, and pianist Eva Mengelkoch from Towson University.   Of everything played on the show we liked the Cage the most!  🙂  Enjoy the listings!

PLAY DATE: Sat, 06/29/2024
5:00 PM            49422
John Cage                     Three Dances For Prepared Pianos (1945) Naxos      559727
ORCH Pestova/Meyer Piano Duo
23:02    C  1 2-4
5:15 PM            279
Ludwig van Beethoven          Missa Solemnis – Mass in D Op 123       SoliDeoGlo 718
COND John Eliot Gardiner
ORCH Orch Revolutionnaire et Romant
SOLO Monteverdi Choir
SOLO Lucy Crowe, soprano
SOLO Jennifer Johnson, mezzo sopran
SOLO James Gilchrist, tenor
SOLO Matthew Rose, bass
69:58    C  1 1-5
5:30 PM            3131
Johannes Brahms               Violin Sonata No.  1 in G Op 78         London     20329
SOLO Leonidas Kavakos, violin
SOLO Yuja Wang, piano              you-zha wong
27:42    C  1 2-4
5:45 PM            159
Carl Orff                     Carmina Burana                          LPO        76
COND Hans Graf                     HAHNTS GRAHF
ORCH London Philharmonic Orchestra
SOLO and Chorus
60:09    C  1 1-25

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Jonathan is WBJC's Program Director and host of many WBJC programs. His full bio can be read here.

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